Dr. Brian Lowery, Senior Associate Dean, Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, talks with us about his research and what must be done to combat racial justice and how we move toward meaningful change in America.
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Episode Links:
Washington Post Article: Blacks Ordered Free in Iran "Islam reserves special rights for women and that blacks for a long time have lived under oppression and pressure in America." https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1979/11/18/women-blacks-ordered-freed-in-iran/66947cbd-c9b1-4933-ac10-0e400c67e215/
Several of Dr. Lowery's Published Journal Articles:
Gendered Racial Boundary Maintenance: Social Penalties for White Women in Interracial Relationships Amelia Stillwell, Brian S. Lowery. forthcoming, Journal Personality and Social Psychology. 2020.
Herd Invisibility: The Psychology of Racial Privilege L. Taylor Phillips, Brian S. Lowery. Currents Directions in Psychological Science. May 1, 2018, Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages 156-162.
Keeping Minorities Happy: Hierarchy Maintenance and Whites’ Decreased Support for Highly Identified White Politicians Sora Jun, Brian S. Lowery, Lucia Guillory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. December 1, 2017, Vol. 43, Issue 12, Pages 1615-1629.
The Hard-Knock Life? Whites Claim Hardships in Response to Racial Inequity L. Taylor Phillips, Brian S. Lowery. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. November 2015, Vol. 61, Pages 12-18.
Deny, Distance, or Dismantle? How White Americans Manage a Privileged Identity Eric D. Knowles, Brian S. Lowery, Rosalind M. Chow, Miguel M. Unzueta. Perspectives on Psychological Science. November 17, 2014, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Pages 594-609.
Taking From Those That Have More and Giving to Those That Have Less: How Inequity Frames Affect Corrections for Inequity Brian S. Lowery, Roaslind M. Chow, Jennifer Randall Cosby. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. February 2009, Vol. 45, Issue 2, Pages 375-378.
Defining Racism Safely: The Role of Self-Image Maintenance on White Amerans' Conceptions of Racism Brian S. Lowery, Miguel M.