How to be the best ally you can be.

I'm not racist but... MANY people like to preface they're opinions with this OR they will "BUT" a certain post or comment on social media. Anything to negate what the person is posting.
Have you ever gotten into a fight with someone and they bring up things that really don't apply to the situation or facts that have nothing to do with what you're discussing with them?
That's everyday life for a Black person who tries to explain where they're coming from and what's really going on. It's impossible to get people to listen. If you're a woman over 40, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Any woman under 40, once you're over 40, you too will one day understand.
It's time to listen-- We mean REALLY LISTEN.
Be original, we can't let this movement end without change.
The #BlackLivesMatter movement will eventually lose steam. Right now, everyone is in the streets. We can't let it end. Not without any victories. This is a marathon, fellow allies--not a sprint. Please stay with us. Please don't give up. I don't think we can take another set back after receiving this much hope.
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